About Us !
To advance the education and to relieve the need of the children of the Awake Mercy Trust, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, by promoting and assisting, financially or otherwise, the charitable activities carried out by that trust.
To advance education and relieve the need among young people in South India who are affected by poverty, disability or environmental difficulties.
To foster rural development in tribal village communities in Tamil Nadu in order to work towards self sufficiency and sustainability in those communiities. This work aims to alleviate the problems faced at present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
HAPsI aims to raise money through its present supporters who know the conditions and problems in the area in which Awake Trust works, and also wishes to expand its supporter base in UK, Ireland and France.
Its administration costs are at present being donated freely to the charity, so that any funds raised will all be available for financing projects in India.
More about The Trustees...