Future Plans:
There are 52 children at the Home. Numbers are likely to stay at around this level for the next few years. The government scheme to support tribal children (RSTC) is running smoothly and is likely to continue until 2020. This supports the majority of children currently at Awake.
The Awake Mercy Home has generous local sponsors, 90% of whom help by providing food. In Indian society, people prefer not to give cash donations to charities. Providing a good meal has immediate benefits and is an important cultural tradition. A good example of this is a local restaurant, which is committed to providing all the children with lunch twice a month and has been doing this for several years ago. The Home hopes to attract even more local sponsors in future.
To satisfy social welfare regulations, the Home must have its own Dining Hall. The Boundary Wall also needs to be fully completed. With your support, HAPsI will be able to raise funds to pay for this work.