The game is to played with 2 teams (A & B) of equal numbers (from 4 to 15 members each).
Each team has to select its own captain.
The two captains have to confer and each decide a different category for their team.
Categories could include: colours, fruits, vegetables, animals, film stars, sports etc.
The captain has to name every member of his team individually within their chosen category.
So if a captain decides on Animals as a category, he could give his team members names such as: Cat, Dog, Parrot, Peacock, Lion, Tiger, Elephant etc.
Each team keeps it own individual names secret from each other.
The captains have no individual name themselves.
The two teams sit in a line opposite each other with their legs facing each other.
The game begins when Team A's captain comes and kneels behind a child in Team B, chosen by Team B.
Team A's captain will gently put his hands over the eyes of the chosen child to prevent
him seeing anything.
From this time on , all the other children who are sitting shake their legs and hands, chanting the words KALATTUMANI KAIYATTUMANI, which means: SHAKE LEGS, SHAKE HANDS.
Team A's captain calls one of his/her team members by their secret name and this member
will come and lightly touch the head of the chosen child of Team B.
The child from Team A who has touched the head returns to his/her place.
When this child is sitting comfortably back in his/her place, Team A's captain releases his/her hands from the child from Team B and all the children stop chanting.
The child from Team B has to make a guess as to who has touched him/her.
A point is gained for a correct answer, although each of the other children must keep
this secret and can't give any clues or hints until the true identity is guessed. Only one guess is allowed !
The game continues with Team B now taking turns.